Freedom and Core Values

Knowing your core values is important.

I am currently in life coach training and one of the concepts we have learned about is understanding our clients’ core values and how they impact their lives.

Before this year, I don’t think I knew exactly what my values were. I had an idea of what things mattered to me, but I don’t think I ever took the time to write them out and define them.

One thing that I have always valued is freedom.

Before I explain what freedom means to me, I want to say this: one of the most important things you can do in your life is clarify your core values.

Your values are apart of the blue print of your life. If you want to live authentically and be content, I think it’s necessary to know what your core values are and be aligned with them.

My number one core value is freedom.

This encompasses every area of my life from my spirit, location, finances, career and love.

If I can’t have or do anything else in this world, I will die trying to be free.

Freedom is the only thing that can give me a peace of mind and it is the well from which all creation springs.

I have imposed mental and emotional slavery upon myself throughout my life.

I have imprisoned myself through conformity to societal beliefs, relationships and the past, but it all leads back to one reality, I did not feel that I was deserving of freedom.

I wanted it, but I wasn’t fighting for it consistently. The reason why I created this platform and am constantly learning new things is because I want to be free and I’ll be damned if I’m not working for it.

What does freedom require?

Long hours.

Doing some things I don’t want to do now, so that I am free to follow my spirit’s desires in the near future, understanding that by choosing to do what is best for me, even if I don’t like it, I am still choosing freedom.

Prioritizing, sacrificing, typing my fingers to the bone, pushing pen to paper, meditating, yoga, being vulnerable, risking, making mistakes. All of this is the price I’m paying for freedom everyday.

I’ve never felt much excitement about July 4th because of the horrid contradiction between the Declaration of Independence and the enslavement of my ancestors.

I do enjoy the cookouts, food, fireworks, and time spent with friends and family.

This July 4th though, I will be celebrating my personal struggle towards freedom and all those who are fighting and fought to “get free or die trying.”

What are your core values?

Happy Independence Day, whatever that means to you!

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